Monday, October 22, 2007

Maddie is 7 Weeks Old!

Maddie's first smile

Maddie loves looking at the baby in the mirror.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Maddies New "Goofy but Cute" Hat

We couldn't decide wether she looks more like a chef or like the legs of a turkey in cartoon commercials (with the white booties on the bottom of the turkey legs)

Getting some Maddie Loving

Maddie and Daddy

Brandon was extra tired and not feeling well. So Maddie wore her Candy Striper outfit to cheer him up and take care of him.

Maddie loves tummy time with Dad!

Hanging out with Dad watching some football. Please notice the maschievous grin on Maddies face. She just left Brandon a message on his shirt about how she felt about watching football (the spit up stain on his chest) She prefers watching the Soap channel with me :)

Monday, October 15, 2007

A few Maddie Firsts

First time in my bouncey seat and actually enjoying it

First time in my sleep sak!! I love it.

My first time to wear shorts

My first time to wear shoes

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Aunt Jeannie!!

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my Aunt Jeannie!!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Maddie is 5 Weeks Old

Maddie made a friend today. She was laying down at the dr. and was having a great conversation with her dress. A few bubbles, a few coos, and a few reaching out to touch her new friend made for a very cute moment that didn't last to long since her new friend didn't respond back.

Monday, October 08, 2007

1 month check up!!

Today Maddie and I went to her 1 month check up. Yeah!! Maddie is growing. She was born:
Weight: 8 lbs 1 oz
Length: 20.5 inches long
Head Circumference: 13 inches
Now she is
Weight: 10 lbs
Length: 22.2 inches long
Head Circumference: 14 1/2 cm head
She was such a good baby today. After I took all her clothes off and they weighed her, she happily just layed on the table waiting for the doctor. She is starting to be very alert and follow us with her eyes. She can open and close her hands around things, and she is sleeping through the night with 1-2 feedings. We are on our way to a sleepful night!!
Here is a movie of Maddie at the dr. office:

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A Maddie Milestone

Today for the first time Maddie layed on the floor for 45 min and didn't even cry. She was very happy and alert. YEAH!! for the big girl milestone. It may have helped that she had Atticus hanging out with her.

Car Seat Buddies


Atticus and Maddie

Today we went over to John Jr.'s house and Maddie and Atticus got to play (lay) together.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Maddie 4 weeks old.

Today was as incredible day. Brandon and I thought that we maybe had someone else's baby for the day. Maddie did great. She didn't cry when she was being past around from person to person. She went right to bed after she ate. She didn't do her usual "cry and hold me until I fall asleep then when you put me down I will wake up and cry until you hold again" routine. She even slept in the same room with Atticus and Max while they were napping. We are so proud of her. Our little Monster is growing up.

The Kids

Max and his ball and doggy

Bradley had fun throwing the frisby



Johnny, Bradley, Aly, Maddie and Brandon had fun investigating a big hole in the backyard.

Aly and Maddie

Maddie got to spend time with her Cousin Aly. She loved being held by Aly. I know Maddie can't wait until she can play with Aly. They will have so much fun.

The Newest babies!!

Jeannie, Maddie, and Atticus. Atticus and Maddie are only 3 months apart.

Francie and Atticus

Jeannie and Maddie

The Gangs All Here

All the Cousins (except for Lainey and Conley-they were napping)

Kids from left to right:
Maddie, Johnny who is holding John Stanley, Max, Aly who is holding Atticus, Bradley