Monday, October 08, 2007

1 month check up!!

Today Maddie and I went to her 1 month check up. Yeah!! Maddie is growing. She was born:
Weight: 8 lbs 1 oz
Length: 20.5 inches long
Head Circumference: 13 inches
Now she is
Weight: 10 lbs
Length: 22.2 inches long
Head Circumference: 14 1/2 cm head
She was such a good baby today. After I took all her clothes off and they weighed her, she happily just layed on the table waiting for the doctor. She is starting to be very alert and follow us with her eyes. She can open and close her hands around things, and she is sleeping through the night with 1-2 feedings. We are on our way to a sleepful night!!
Here is a movie of Maddie at the dr. office:

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