Monday, October 01, 2007

Maddie 4 weeks old.

Today was as incredible day. Brandon and I thought that we maybe had someone else's baby for the day. Maddie did great. She didn't cry when she was being past around from person to person. She went right to bed after she ate. She didn't do her usual "cry and hold me until I fall asleep then when you put me down I will wake up and cry until you hold again" routine. She even slept in the same room with Atticus and Max while they were napping. We are so proud of her. Our little Monster is growing up.

1 comment:

Erica said...

THose are such cute pictures.. how fun for ya'll to have all the cousins together and be able to be so close in age! That is how I grew up and I am still close to my cousins today! I love all her bows.. where do you get them?? She is beautiful and you look amazing!